The Olympian Spirit
In 2016 when the Olympics arrive in Rio de Janeiro, the event will be historic in the minds of sports buffs for two reasons. Firstly, it will be the first time that the games have ever been held in Brazil, and secondly it will be the first time for over a century that the games have featured golf as a medal sport. This was decided in 2009, and has naturally made a lot of people in the world of golf very excited. Although undoubtedly there will be some players active today who will have retired by 2016, the presence of ...

The 19th Hole
Part of the attraction for many golfers lies in the fact that there is such a strong social factor attached to the game. It is common for golfers to play 18 holes and then wind down in what is known to many golfers as the 19th hole – the clubhouse. Golf has long been considered as one of the sports where you can afford to go for a relaxing drink after the game – unlike with football or tennis, you haven’t done much running and muscle recovery times are shorter. When you don’t have those recovery times to worry about, ...

Shopping For Golf Nuts
Anyone who enjoys golf is a fantastic person for whom to buy gifts. The huge range of golf merchandise out there on the market compares very favorably with just about every other sport. There are clubs, bags, balls and tees for a start, but these really do scratch the surface of what you can give a keen golfer for a birthday, Christmas or anniversary present. The only limit seems to be your imagination. The best presents are often the most personal ones – so give a little thought to what the golfer in your life would like to receive. Joke presents ...

Golf for Advanced

In 2016 when the Olympics arrive in Rio de Janeiro, the event will be historic in...

Part of the attraction for many golfers lies in the fact that there is such a strong...

For anyone who likes watching golf or playing it, it can be instructive to read up...
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Anyone who enjoys golf is a fantastic person for whom to buy gifts. The huge range...

One thing that can be said for golf is that it has a ready-attached leisure sector...

There is probably a very long and very pointless conversation to be had about the...
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There is no shortage of satirical comment around on the dress sense of golfers, and to be honest it is hard to blame the people who make mention of it. Sometimes, golfers wear items of clothing that are simply appalling. The late, great Payne Stewart was famous for his plus-fours which garnered compliments and attention from many, along with hoots of... [Read more of this article]

If you are good enough as an amateur golfer, the time will come when you have a go at tournament play. This doesn’t mean that a few years of practice will have you ready to take part in the Masters or PGA golf tournaments, but you may well be good enough to enter a competition at your local club, and this is where things get really interesting. Testing... [Read more of this article]

Watching golf on TV, it is often very easy to become complacent about what the sport requires of you. To the untrained eye, it is simply a matter of hitting the ball really hard once, slightly less hard another time or two, and then trying to get an accurate putt to round the hole off. What could be more simple? Actually, a lot of things. It may seem... [Read more of this article]

When we are growing up, we latch on to a favorite sport pretty quickly, and this can either blossom into a generalised love of sport or a specific enjoyment of a particular sport. Whichever is the case, we quickly find ourselves dreaming of emulating those stars on the screen in front of us. We’d all like to do what Pelé did, or throw like Dan Marino,... [Read more of this article]

A golfing holiday really is what you make it. Before you book you have to consider some matters. Is this going to be a “family” holiday which essentially entails your family sitting around waiting for you to finish on the course so that they can go on an increasingly annoying sight-seeing journey? Or could it be the perfect mix of scenery, sight-seeing... [Read more of this article]

Golf is one of the most popular participation sports on this earth, and certainly one of the few where you can be watching someone play an event one day, and be playing that same course less than a week later. You may watch the Superbowl one night and go out and throw the pigskin around with your friends the following day, but you won’t be doing it... [Read more of this article]
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